• SDGs教育
  • 地球環境ユースサミット
  • 京の里山より
  • 京都超SDGsコンソーシアム

【3/21-23】Earth Youth Summit 2023 in KYOTO: Discussing Sustainable Futures - SDGs KYOTO TIMES


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Earth Youth Summit 2023 in KYOTO: Discussing Sustainable Futures will be held from March 21st to 23rd.

What does “Are You SUM?” mean? It is a wordplay of “Earth Youth Summit. ”The word “sum” is written as “和 (Wa)” in Japanese kanji and this character also has the meaning of harmony and peace. “Summit” means a goal to be climbed in the form of a mountain top.Therefore, in both a metaphorical and a tangible sense, this Earth Youth Summit aims to create a place where young people can interact to achieve meaningful goals in harmony.

To solve the social issues addressed in the SDGs, it is important for the younger generations to seriously discuss the future and the solutions they want to create, as well as to continue to build a sustainable society that transcends the generations. The G7 Summit (Hiroshima, Japan) in May 2023 and Expo 2025 (Osaka, Kansai, Japan) are examples of good opportunities to address these issues. Similar events are being held with a specific focus on the younger generations: The Earth Youth Summit 2023 will be held in Kyoto, the host city of COP3 (Third Session of the Conference of the Parties), which continues to make progress as an environmentally advanced city after 25 years of leadership. The Summit will bring together young people from around the world to discuss social issues, with the aim of fostering future leaders and building momentum for discussions on the post-SDG situation.
The future of the planet starts with our communication!

◆Outline of the event
Schedule: 21 March (Japanese holiday, Tuesday) to 23 March (Thursday) 2023 (2 nights, 3 days)
Meeting point: Kyoto Station at 13:00 on 21 March.
Venue: Auru Keihoku Kyoto Prefectural Seminar House: https://www.kyosemi.or.jp/
Dispersal point: Kyoto Station at 15:00 on 23 March
Online: ZOOM
Target: High school students from around the world (about 50 onsite participants and about 100 online participants)
University students and young experts are also invited to participate as mentors.
Content: Discuss the social issues addressed by the SDGs, with a focus on environmental issues such as carbon neutrality and resource circularities, and compile proposals. The compiled proposals will be presented at the G7 Hiroshima Summit and the G7 Ministers’ Meeting on Climate, Energy and Environment in Sapporo and disseminated to the world via social media (currently being coordinated).

◆Points to keep in mind when participating
• In principle, English will be the official language used However, participants need not worry about their English language skills: the emphasis will be on the content of the discussions and the participants’ thinking, as well as their willingness and enthusiasm. Mentors’ help as interpreters is also being considered.
• Minors must obtain the consent of their parents or guardians before applying.
• Entrance fees:
ーOnsite participants: Free of charge (accommodation, meals, etc.). However, travel expenses to Kyoto Station and expenses for activities other than this program are to be borne by the participant. (Corporate support is currently being sought.)
ーOnline participants: Free of charge. (Online communication costs are to be borne by the participant.)
• Certificate of participation, etc. When participants complete the Summit they will be given a certificate of participation and other documents. They may choose to participate in subsequent ongoing discussions and activities.

◆Application and selection process
After carefully reviewing the notes on participation, please fill out the following application form (basic information, topics you would like to discuss, etc.) by Wednesday, 22 February 2023.
We will give priority to the applicants by Wednesday, 15 February, so please submit your application as soon as possible.
Application form (English): https://forms.gle/4jzpzHMd4UXYWbt66
Application form (Japanese): https://forms.gle/YBun5kPPMJckHAo16
Application form (Chinese): https://wangruilin.wufoo.com/forms/mwxvnhn13l48fn/
Selection will be made on a rolling basis. Applicants who apply by 15 February will be notified of their selection by 20 February, and those who apply by 22 February will be notified of their selection by 27 February.

◆Program (tentative)
Before the event We will ask you to prepare for the discussions online.
Tuesday 21 March
[Meet at Kyoto Station at 13:00] → Visit Kyoto International Conference Center, the birthplace of the Kyoto Protocol (COP3)
14:30 Arrive at Auru Keihoku
15:00–17:00 Summit Day 1 (election of chairperson, confirmation of agenda, etc.)
18:00–19:00 Dinner
19:00–20:30 Night meeting (socializing among participants, etc.)
Wednesday 22 March
8:00–9:00 Breakfast
9:30–12:00 Summit Day 2 (Agenda Item 1)
12:00–13:00 Lunch
13:00–15:30 Summit Day 2 (Agenda Item 2)
15:45–18:00 Summit Day 2 (Agenda Item 3)
18:00–19:00 Dinner
19:00–20:30 Night meeting (draft resolutions and prepare presentations)
Thursday 23 March
8:00–9:00 Breakfast
9:30–12:00 Summit Day 3 (Presentation, Discussion, and Resolution)
12:00–13:30 Kyoto Satoyama SDGs Lab Kotos visit and lunch
13:30 Departure from Keihoku→ [Arrival at Kyoto Station at 15:00 and dispersal]

◆Implementation system
Organized by: Kyoto Beyond SDGs Consortium, Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies
(Secretariat: Dr. Misuzu Asari’s Laboratory, Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University)
Co-sponsored by: Kyoto Prefecture

Kyoto Beyond SDGs Consortium
Secretariat: Dr. Misuzu ASARI Laboratory, Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
Room 706-709, North Building 7F, Physics Building, Kyoto University
E-mail: ecocheck@eprc.kyoto-u.ac.jp TEL: +81-75-753-5922

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「京都超 SDGs コンソーシアム」

SDGs先進都市である京都市をフィールドに産学公が連携し、SDGsの達成に向けてともに考え、行動し、発信する「京都 産学公 SDGs プロジェクト」が2019年6月27日に発足しました。
プロジェクトを推進し、SDGsの社会実装を目指すために「京都超 SDGs コンソーシアム」(京都大学、京都市、リコー、JT、安田産業、ソフトバンク、ecommit、セブン&アイ・ホールディングス、三洋化成工業)を立ち上げ、京都大学における資源循環や省エネ・創エネに関する取り組み、人口が減少している中山間地域の維持、持続可能性・SDGsをテーマにした教育プログラムの開発等、SDGsの社会実装を目標とした取り組みやシンポジウムや博覧会等による発信・情報交換を行っています。


  • 京都大学
  • 総合地球環境学研究所
  • 京都市
  • 京都府
  • 安田産業グループ
  • JT
  • SoftBank
  • ecommit
  • 三洋化成
  • セブン&アイホールディングス
  • マクドナルド
  • エフピコ
  • 大和リース
  • mizkan
  • Zojirushi
  • トーカイグループ
  • ワコールホールディングス
  • モノファクトリー
  • サトーホールディングス株式会社
  • エコ〜るど京大
  • いきもの倶楽部konomi



