国際ワークショップ「レジリエントな低炭素社会の構想」International Workshop on Visions of a Low-carbon and Resilient Society
Call for Poster Presentations
We are pleasant to announce the call for posters for presentation at the International Workshop on Visions of a Low-carbon and Resilient Society to be held at Kyoto University on June 27th, 2019. The public, private, and voluntary sectors have carried out various policies and projects in mitigation, adaptation, and material cycle. The workshop is inviting poster proposals that report research findings on the current policy or project or propose a new policy or project in perspectives of engineering, agriculture, and social sciences.
Date: Thursday, 27 June 2019, 1:30-2:30
場所:京都大学 吉田キャンパス本部構内 百周年時計台記念館 国際交流ホール
Venue: International Conference Hall, Clock Tower Centennial Hall
Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus
Deadline of poster proposal submission: 10 June 2019, 12:00 PM
Language: English, Japanese
ポスターの形式:A0サイズ、様式なし、右肩に「 国際ワークショップ「レジリエントな低炭素社会の構想」 」と明記。当日に印字版を持参のこと。
Form of poster: A sheet of paper in A0 size; no designated format; “International Workshop on Visions of a Low-carbon and Resilient Society” should appear at the upper right corner; a presenter should bring the printed version to the venue.
Publication of posters: Posters presented at the workshop will be complied into the proceedings to be published in both digital and printed forms.
申込・登録は、6月10日までに、こちらのサイト(http://urx.red/XQoe)より行ってください。Please resister until May 26th from this site (http://urx.red/XQoe)
Note: All applicants who received the acceptance notice are supposed to submit the posters in digital form to ecocheck@eprc.kyoto-u.ac.jp by the deadline (June 24th). Only those who submitted poster data can make presentations at the workshop.
Japanese_flyer_Low-carbon Resilient Society Workshop (KU GSGES)
English_flyer_Low-carbon Resilient Society Workshop (KU GSGES)