Study trip to TOHOKU, 16th-18th June
From June 16th to June 18th in 2018, we visited Ishinomaki-shi, Minamisanriku-cho, Miyagi prefecture as a part of our Tohoku fieldtrip. During this fieldtrip, we had the chance to visit a factory that can make canned food for “Canned curry of blue sea food” which is one of the projects of Ecole de Kyodai. At the same time, in addition to the factory visit inspection, we were also able to learn about Ishinomaki’s reconstruction. As we know, Ishinomaki had to reconstruct after the earthquake and Tsunami that happened in March 2011. We learned the people’s thought and feeling who lived in Ishinomaki during the earthquake by personally talking to them.
On the first day: We arrived in Ishinomaki. On the second day: We walked around Ishinomaki City. We walked to the Minamihama Museum and see the situation there. At the Museum, we joined the people of Tohoku University Regional Reconstruction Project “HARU”, and we visited the Tsunagu Kita – kan. After that, we climbed to the mountain side that many people living in Ishinomaki had escaped during the 2011 tsunami. We sat and took lunch there. In the afternoon, we interacted with the people living in the reconstruction public housing, and we heard stories about various things such as the earthquake disaster and recent enjoyment. After that, we had casual dinner and discussion with the people of the Ishinomaki warehouse who consigned canning production. On the third day: we visited a canning factory in Ishinomaki Fisheries of after observing the fish market. We also moved to Minami Sanriku-cho and visited a facility named Minami Sanriku BIO Co., Ltd. of Amita Corporation. My overall impression (Abiyan Arfani)The field trip was an amazing experience for me. I learned a lot by having discussion with the local people who have experienced the 2011 Tsunami, people who are working in the fisheries industry, and also students from Tohoku University. I really think that it is important for students to have this type of fieldtrip where we all can exchange perspective which will broaden our way of thinking.