

 » GREEN SCREEN 2014 「グリーンスクリーン」

GREEN SCREEN 2014 「グリーンスクリーン」


お知らせ 2014年初夏の陣



Date:   Saturday 21 June & 28 June 2014


Place:   Research Bldg. No.3, Yoshida main campus


Admission FREE !   Up to 250 people

Date: Saturday 21 June & 28 June 2014

Place: Research Bldg. No.3, Yoshida main campus

Admission: FREE!  Capacity: 250

Join us for three award-winning, inspirational Japanese
and foreign films on environmental topics. You’re invited
to enjoy complimentary drinks (Fairtrade coffee service)
and to participate in stimulating student and faculty-moderated
discussions of such timely topics. Please bring your own mug
to enjoy a refreshing cup of free Fairtrade coffee.

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<Film program>

* Saturday June 21: 10.30 – 12.30 *

“Valentine solidarity” (2012, Japan)

Language: Japanese (English subtitles)

Length: 64mins.

This is the story of three ordinary Japanese girls who confront
the harsh realities of child labor in Ghana, Africa, when they
travel there to meet children who are forced to work in cacao
groves and can’t go to school.

“We hope all Japanese people will show their true love by
choosing chocolate made from Fairtrade cacao on Valentine’s Day!”,
the girls say as they launch their “Valentine ikki”. (Note:
although “ikki” originally means a revoltor uprising, here
it conveys actions based on solidarity derived from a
strong desire.)

* Saturday 21 June: 14.00 – 16.00 *

“Taste the Waste”

Languages: German, French, Japanese, English, Italian (Japanese subtitles)

Length: 88mins.

Amazing but true: On the way from the farm to the dining-room table,
more than half the food lands on the dump. Most of it before it
ever reaches consumers.

Why are ever-greater quantities being destroyed? We seek explanations –
from supermarket sales staff and managers, bakers, wholesale market
inspectors, welfare recipients, ministers, farmers and EU bureaucrats –
and ask an important question: what are the impacts on the world climate,
when we waste half of our food?

* Saturday 28 June: 10.30 – 13.00 *

“Nuclear Nation: The Fukushima Refugees Story”

Language: Japanese (English subtitles)

Length: 96mins

This is a documentary about the exiled residents of Futaba,
the region housing the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear
power plant. Since the 1960s, Futaba had been promised
prosperity with tax breaks and major subsidies to compensate
for the presence of the power plant. The town’s people have
now lost their homeland. Through its portrayal of their agonies
and frustrations, the film questions the real cost of capitalism
and nuclear energy.

Plus: Special event!

* First Green Action Workshop
“Towards a Consensus on Present and Future Energy in our Society” *

Date: Saturday, June 28
Time: 13:30 – 15:30
Capacity: 25
Venue: Kyoto University Yoshida Campus*(Details to be announced
to those who sign up)

Please sign up by contacting <greenaction.manabi@gmail.com>

After the 3.11 Fukushima Nuclear Accident, the energy debate has
polarised along pro and anti-nuclear lines. With people on each
side unwilling to talk to one another, the general public
is left confused about where the truth lies. Reliance on
the internet for answers often deepens the confusion.
This workshop offers paricipants an opportunity to explore
the various perspectives in the nuclear debate and work towards the
more holistic understanding that is necessary to better assess
and choose the best energy mix for Japan’s future.

PLEASE NOTE: This workshop will be held in Japanese only.

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【京大!バイオスクープ file42】12月の木 トウネズミモチ

文責・清水 複雑な生態系を少しでも理解し、さまざまな自然を徹底的に究明したい京大!バイオスクープ。今回のご依頼はこちら「かわいい花をつける木、ありませんか?」 トウネズミモチ 学名 Ligustrum lucidum A […]

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学び 京大!バイオスクープ

