6月14日(火)/JUNE 14th(Tue) 18:15〜20:30
【会場/Place】京大生協カンフォーラ/Camphora at Kyoto University
【定員/available seats】50名
※メール事前予約優先/Advance reservation is required by e-mail
食事・ワンドリンク込/Food・One drink incl.
学生500円/Students 500yen
その他1000円/Others 1,000yen
地球(Planet)の食卓を考える「おなか・ぺころじー(Onaka P-Ecology)」企画が始動!
To think of our planet’s dining table, ‘Onaka P-Ecology’ project has finally started!
The issue of Food is the most crucial challenge for our survivability; it is an everyday matter for each of us at the same time. Let’s talk about how to make our food system be friendly to the planet, ecosystem, as well as humans with various points of views, while we enjoy the good food!
Begin the sustainable life from your table!Let’s discuss about our food from various perspectives.
★立食パーティー形式で気軽に交流!/Join our buffet party at Camphora!
★基調プレゼンテーション/Keynotes Presentations
・国連世界食糧農業機関(FAO)Mbuli Charles Bolikoさん
Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO) Mr. Mbuli Charles Boliko
・セイラーズフォーザシー日本支局 井植美奈子さん
Sailors for the Sea Japan office Ms. Minako Iue
★学生プレゼンテーション/Student Presentations
・思修館の院生によるCreative Cooking Show「非日常」と「日常」の食卓
Ph.D student at GSAIS Creative Cooking Show:Tables of “Emergency” and “Everyday”
Prof and Master students at GSGES 10 Eco-recipes
・京大カレー部/KU Curry Club
・あるもんde/Arumon de
・でこべじカフェ/DecoVege Cafe etc.