

 » Kyoto University International Symposium on “Food & Sustainability”

Kyoto University International Symposium on “Food & Sustainability”


お知らせ 第1回超SDGsシンポジウム

Kyoto University International Symposium “Food & Sustainability”

October 29-30, 2018

Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall

Attendance fee ⇒We have made it FREE!!


Here, you can check the leaflet Ver.4 (English)



We are going to share the diverse knowledge and discuss about wide range of theme related food & sustainability.

p.7 Lang, T., Barling, D., & Caraher, M. (2009). Food policy: integrating health, environment and society. OUP Oxford. (translater:Midori Hiraga)


◆Keynote Speech(9:00-, 30th, International Exchange Hall (Floor 2))

【language: English】Interpretation(Japanese to English) machines are rented out if you want. Limited by 50 people.

For registration, please contact 【https://goo.gl/forms/eJ4Td8lJtk2DtImQ2】


9:00~9:15, FAO Food Policy Pact –current status, challenges and future direction (tentative)

Dr. Rosa Rolle (FAO, the Senior Food Systems Officer)





9:15~9:55, Food and the city: Food policy in Toronto

Dr. Lori Stahlbrand (Toronto Food Policy Council)





There are cities in the world with decades of history and experience in food policy. We invite a speaker from Toronto, a representative example. There is much to be learned from the history and experience of food policy designed by government officials, city residents, producers, business stakeholders, and researchers—all of who worked together to identify a number of issues and resolve them as organically as possible.


◆Special Symposium (10:00-12:00, 30th, International Exchange Hall (Floor 2))

Realizing sustainable food

【language: English】Simultaneous interpretation machines are rented out if you want. Limited by 50 people.

For registration, please contact 【https://goo.gl/forms/eJ4Td8lJtk2DtImQ2

While food is our basic element, it also presents a number of problems. For example, to say that all 17 of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) relate to food is no exaggeration. In this symposium, we consider some of these goals, and while sharing problems and forefront measures, we also search for clues toward solutions.


  • Planned presenters


Motoki Akitsu (Kyoto Uni., Grad School of Agriculture)


  • Isao Sakaguchi (Gakushuin Univ., Faculty of Law)
  • Steven McGreevy (Research Institute for Research and Humanity)
  • Setsuko Sugimoto (Administrative Director of the Residence Preservation Council of Sugimoto Residence (Important Cultural Property)/ Culinary Researcher)
  • Shinichi Sakai (Kyoto Univ., Environment Research Preservation Center)
  • Steven McGreevy (Research Institute for Research and Humanity)
  • Boliko Charles (Director, LOJ, FAO)


◆Movie “Waste cooking” (18:15-, 29th, International Exchange Hall (Floor 2))

One third of all the food produced worldwide goes to waste. The weight is 1.3 billion tons annually. “Let’s rescue fresh food from dumpsters! And transform trash into delicious dishes!” He travels through 5 European countries in 5 weeks s and only cook up what others throw out or allow to go to waste.

For registration, please contact 【(contact person: Hori) Tel 075-647-3444 Fax 075-641-2971 2r@kyoto-gomigen.jp】


◆Sessions on Food and Sustainability (13:00 – 18:00, 29th, Conference Room (Floor 2))

We are planning oral presentations from several researchers and stakeholders on the following themes related to food and sustainability, along with discussions based on these presentations. Themes are separated by room and time slot, though a portion of them run at the same time.

The themes are…

〇Food and Climate Change, 〇Food and Water Issue, 〇Food Policy, 〇Food and Urban

For registration and enquiries, please contact【ecocheck@eprc.Kyoto-u.ac.jp】



◆Research Posters on Food and Sustainability (29th afternoon –30th evening

International Exchange Hall (Floor 2))

About 20 people, including students and young researchers, will present posters on a wide range of research with food and sustainability as the theme. This is an opportunity to directly exchange thoughts on the latest research.

Core time (presentation times slots): 29th, 15-16:00; 30th, 17-20:00

※Meeting on 30th 18:00- is reserved only for participants of the dinner.


◆Food loss reduction, National campaign (Organized by Kyoto-city)【Japanese only】

Keynote lecture by famous Japanese chef, Inheritance and development of food culture in Kyoto Mr. Eiichi Takahashi (14th head of 瓢亭Hyotei)

There are other opportunities such as presentation and exchange of view session, and panel display ect….

For registration, please send your Name, Address, e-mail address, and Phone number. 【FAX: 075-256-3717】 More detail : http://www.city.kyoto.lg.jp/kankyo/page/0000242773.html


★Special Free Meal (students and graduate students have priorities)

①Someone who has more than 2 stamps as participate certifications of the events, can be invited Networking dinner without fee (18:00-, 30th).

※Event under consideration

□29th, 13:00 – 15:00/ 16:00 – 18:00, Sessions on Food and Sustainability (More than 1 session)

□29th, 15-16:00, Research Posters on Food and Sustainability

□29th, 15:10-18:00, WS on food policy (half or all)

□30th, 9:00-12:00, Keynote Speech, Special Symposium


②Someone who joins the movie (29th, 18:00-) bringing own bowl for rice and Miso-soup, cup, and chopsticks, can be served Japanese rice, Miso-soup, and one drink without fee.


★It’s only for registered people, and limited by 50 people.

For registration and enquiries, please contact【ecocheck@eprc.Kyoto-u.ac.jp】


◆For more information

Symposium secretariat

Assoc Prof. Misuzu Asari (KU GSGES/ecolede Kyodai) ecocheck@eprc.kyoto-u.ac.jp




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