

 » 2019年6月27日開催国際ワークショップのプロシーディングス



学び お知らせ その他


The proceedings of the International Workshop on Visions of a Low-carbon and Resilient Society, which was held by the Graduate
School of Global Environmental Studies and Ecole de Kyodai on the 27th of June, are now available here.



English below.









宇佐美 誠


Climate change is obviously one of the most formidable challenges to humankind in the contemporary world. To address this enormous challenge, sessions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have been held in various cities around the world for almost three decades. In a spirit of celebrating the 49th Session (IPCC-49) held in Kyoto City in May 2019, Kyoto University observed Kyoto University IPCC Weeks from the 23rd of April to the 17th of June, during which twenty events were held across the university. As one of these events, the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, which has been long established as one of major graduate schools that focus on environmental issues including climate change, decided to sponsor the International Workshop on Visions of a Low-carbon and Resilient Society. The workshop was planned and conducted in its collaboration with Ecole de Kyodai, the university-wide network aimed to promote campus sustainability.


This workshop has three major themes, namely mitigation, adaptation, and material cycle, which is also of great significance in these days. A large number of poster proposals were submitted by young researchers and graduate students, and thirty proposals were selected after careful blind review. The result was an extraordinary event in which a great variety of policies and projects in public, private, and civil society sectors were analyzed and discussed. During the workshop, more than one hundred people studied posters, listened to presentations, and enjoyed discussion with the presenters.


I am heartily grateful to teachers and students working in Ecole de Kyodai, especially Professor Misuzu Asari, who as the network’s leader collaborated with me in the whole process of organizing the workshop, and to Bunei Nishimura and Ami Shirai, who both greatly helped us. I also thank the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies for its sponsorship. Furthermore, my gratitude is extended to all of the presenters and visitors for contributing to success in the event.



Makoto Usami

Professor and Chair of Global Environmental Policy

Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies

Kyoto University





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