

 » ―エコ~るど京大・浅利研究室 四国研修 報告書―

―エコ~るど京大・浅利研究室 四国研修 報告書―


プラ 学び 研修報告





全体まとめ 京都大学農学部/エコ~るど京大 西本早希、駒ヶ嶺光


◆8/22~8/24 四国研修全体概要


















◆Shikoku Eco Study Trip

Isaac Omondi

(Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies・M2)

The Shikoku eco study trip was a 3 day trip to Teshima Island, Shikoku and Kamikatsu areas. The observation points were municipal waste treatment at Mitoyo Recycle Waste Treatment facilities; Environmental rehabilitation of illegally dumped industrial waste in Teshima Island and community oriented efforts in waste management and agriculture in Kamikastu. The field trip involved Kyoto University students mainly from Ecole-de-Kyodai club and Environmental Education Laboratory. There were also personnel from private companies. The trip also had additional interesting events such as observing eco behavior (my bottle, my ohashi), using ferry to connect to Islands, eating local foods and drinks, seminar presentations by students and driving through the Great Seto Ohashi Bridge.

The first study location was Mitoyo Recycle Waste Treatment facilities that runs as a recycle facility for treating mixed/burnable waste and latter using the residue to produce refuse plastic and paper fuel (RPF). The application of the Eco master composting technology that include use of biofilter to clean odor coming from the chambers help reduce reliance on incineration and landfilling of waste.

Fig 1. Participants listening to lecture


at Mitoyo Recycle Waste Treatment facilities

This waste treatment option cuts up to 50% of the waste by volume which is primarily moisture and the resultant residue used to produce fuel thus reducing overreliance on fossil fuels for energy production. The field continued by enjoying beautiful land sceneries especially in the ocean. Participants opted to enjoy while inside the ferry while others on the roof of the ferry. Within the ride there were engagements on various discussions.

At the next study sight in Teshima Island, the study group learnt about community driven efforts to rehabilitate the environment after a company dumped industrial waste in the area. The community engaged in raising awareness in the island and other prefectures in Japan, raised money for the treatment and litigation processes and acquired the land after successfully winning court against the polluter. Teshima Island has had various social vices but the community has successfully managed to revamp itself to an outstanding reputation such as being known as island of milk and island of welfare.

Fig 2. Participants learning


about pollution history in Teshima Museum

Finally, the trip proceeded to Kamikatsu Village. In the first session, participants learnt about leaf businesses and how it is helping with community revitalization. As with most villages in Japan, the ageing population has been increasing in Kamikastsu as well. Due to complexities with other agricultural activities, the leaf business has helped the aging population generate some income for their livelihoods. Subsequently, the participants also visited the Zero Waste Academy and the Hibigatani Waste Collection Centre that facilitates the Kamikastu Zero waste program. Kamikastu is a leading community in zero waste efforts and the community has been guided to segregating up to 45 waste categories. Additionally, the municipality aims at eliminating incineration and landfilling by 2020. Other waste management support run at the center include a reuse center, remake(upcycle) center, reuse activities for table ware and accreditation for other organization.


Fig 3: Hibigatani Waste Collection Centre


Fig 4. Cloth designs from remake center



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