

 » Introduction to the Kyodai Eco-Lab

Introduction to the Kyodai Eco-Lab


暮らし お知らせ

The‘Eco-Lab’ project aims to be a model for eco-friendly laboratories and offices with support from the “Ecole de Kyodai” and “100 people meeting”. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and contributions. If you have any requests to visit or questions, ideas or opinion, please let us know. This time we introduced twenty activities. In the future, we are planning to update and announce about new activities and verification.

* This project and communication activity is supported in part by the Kyoto University President’s FY2016 Discretionary Fund.

(As of the end of March 2017)

Eng_Kyodai Eco Lab



Reducing energy consumption and accompanying greenhouse gas emissions is an urgent issue for Kyoto University. While there are many initiatives at the University, there are actions that any office can take with a little effort.


◆Examples of Eco-Lab Initiatives

1. Air conditioners: Basically, we do not use air conditioners. Especially, when there are only a few people, we do not turn on the air conditioner in a big room. We use the small room next door without turning on the air conditioner. When we do use air conditioners, we set the temperature at 28 °C or higher in summer and at 20 °C or lower in winter.

【The Kyodai special wall sticker shows the temperature settings】

You can get data of this visual at the following site, or contact us to get the sticker.



2. Kotatsu: Especially in winter, we utilize a kotatsu (a low table with heater and quilt), and use air conditioners as little as possible.


3. Thermal barrier and UV cutoff coating glass: All of the window glass has been coated with a thermal barrier and UV cutoff coating. You can see the effect with the attached thermometer. 【sponsor: Kobac Co., Ltd.】

http://www.paint-kobac.com/kohakura_blog/?p=4037?COPPS? ・ http://www.copps.jp/


4. Use of storage battery (night-time power): We store night-time power by using a home use storage battery and use the stored electricity to power the refrigerator during the daytime. 【sponsor: Bikkuri Eco-Hatsudensho】


5. We refrain from using the lights as much as possible.


6. We use laptop computers as much as possible. We use a monitor rather than a projector.


7. Measurement of electricity: In review * The options for office measurements will be introduced in near future.

Portable measurement of electricity usage per electrical outlet.


8. Transportation: We use public transportation and bicycles.



On Eco daily rip-off-a-page calendar (Eco calendar), check energy saving actions that anybody can take. Your action level and energy saving effect can be confirmed at the Eco Declaration Site.


Energy saving activities at laboratory and experiences, researched depend on each type of activity, but you can find some typical measurements at the manual. We can also support based on your requests.

【Energy saving activities at lab (in Japanese)】You can get data of this visual at the following site, or contact us to get the book.



◆The situation by laboratory or office can be seen at various levels. For example…

〇 The number of Eco Declaration participants

〇 Changes in Electricity consumption from hour to hour

〇 Annual energy use


≪Regarding food waste≫

9. We do not waste food. We take any leftovers home.

Especially, be careful during parties, we can easily leave behind food that we put on our plates when moving around.


10. Let’s compost our garbage!  There are composters at several locations on campus. Put your garbage in a composter and stir the composting material well. * If you can’t take the garbage to the composter promptly, squeeze out the water and store it in a freezer until you can.

【Composting at campus】https://eco.kyoto-u.ac.jp/?cat=27


11. Don’t worry about the date label!  The date on food packages is just a recommendation. Even when the best before or sell by date is long past, the food is probably safe. Depending on the type of food, judge by the appearance and odor even if the food is past the best before date. It’s also possible to judge after the food has been cooked or heated.

* Conversely, when you’re not feeling well, please select your food carefully and don’t worry about labeling. There are cases when it may be better not to eat and take fluids only. Please take good care of yourself.

* For shared refrigerators, until expiration dates are passed, eat foods with the permission of the “owner”. It’s okay to take responsibility for eating expired or about to expire foods.

* Feel free to consume tea or ice that has been made and stored in refrigerators and freezers. We appreciate the efforts of those who make tea and ice. Don’t forget to turn the electric kettle power off after the water has boiled.



Kyoto City is working to reduce food loss. It has listed points to consider when eating at restaurants or parties. English version will be delivered soon.

【Guide book for しまつの心得】http://www.city.kyoto.lg.jp/kankyo/page/0000217598.html


≪Regarding garbage and resources≫

12. Containers and utensils: We do not use disposable cups, dishes and chopsticks. We are attempting to decrease the use of plastic bottles as much as possible. In order to do so,

○We bring refillable water bottles. We refill them at home and the university.

○We use reusable cups.

○We bring eco-bags or reusable bags. We do not receive plastic bags.

* Eco-Lab owns 100 cups and utensils to be used for events and guests.

* We have many reusable bags. Ask us if you need one.


13. Printing paper: When we print out PowerPoint slides, we print multiple slides (2–8 slides) on a page on both sides. Also, for less than 4 pages, we do not need to use a stapler if we print on A3 paper and fold. We print on the backside of used paper if only members see it.

* Take care to separate materials (documents) with personal information and recycle appropriately.


14. Envelopes: We use “interoffice envelopes” at school. Off-campus as well, we reuse envelopes when possible.

* The use of “interoffice envelopes” at Kyodai is amazing!


15. Separation of Waste: We separate waste carefully by material and type.

Type/Material Collection box Destination
OA paper(one-side) Put into reuse paper box Reuse
OA paper(both-sided) Put into paper box Recycling
Paper with personal information Put into the special Box Special recycling
Cardboard box Bring to the collection point Recycling
Other paper (bigger than business cards) Put into paper box or paper bag Recycling
Food waste Plastic bag→Freezer Disposal at home/earthworm composting

We keep food waste in the freezer until enough accumulates to be taken to a composter.

Plastic Put into collection box Recycling ★All kinds of plastic should be collected. Except for items that cannot be washed, lightly rinse and put into a collection box. We remove paper labels if necessary.
Egg cartons and EPS trays Supermarket By returning the cartons and trays to the store, it’s likely that the materials will be recycled appropriately.
Cans and metal Bring to the collection points Recycling
Glasses and bottles Bring to the collection points Recycling
PET bottles Bring to the collection box on the 1st floor
Other waste Bring to the collection box

* If the waste does not fit into one of these categories, please put it in the “the unknown” box.
【Labeling for separation】You can arrange the PDF.

Waste separation


16. Stationery and daily necessities: By sharing and reusing, we can decrease waste. For example,

– We place stationery and other office goods at the entrance to the room and share them as much as possible.

– We refill the ink for pens. (Ballpoint pens and highlighters)

– We use refills for detergents, etc.




17. Space sharing and cleaning; we do not bring too many things and arrange items neatly. In order to have time to be creative, we do not have fixed desks. We clean the room and keep it tidy.


18. We choose fair trade food, local food, and seasonal ingredients and drinks as much as possible.


19. We start edible garden. Please join us!



20. In order to achieve these goals, we share information and review together. Let’s share ideas for continuing while making it easy to understand and have fun.

≪How to enjoy this room≫

●The room can be used freely from 10–17:00 on weekdays.

●Please contact us in advance if you need to use room for more than a few hours and/or by several people. Use for parties of up to 60 participants is possible.

* However, the breakers may trip if too much electricity is used. Please check the wiring and capacity chart and plan accordingly.

●After using the room, please return it to the original condition. Please feel free to use the vacuum cleaner and dust cloths.

●Please feel free to use books, equipment, musical instruments, dishes and kitchen utensils. However, please return these in clean condition for the next user.

Please feel free to use “the free to take home corner”. Also, we occasionally have fund raising flea markets. Donations of goods are appreciated.


≪More information, please contact≫

●The venue: Kyoto University (main campus), the 7th floor of the North Engineering Science building(物理系校舎北棟), room No.707-709

●Our building is located at No.57 on the campus map (http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/access/campus/yoshida/map6r_y/).

●Open hour: 10:00-12:00, 12:00-17:00 every weekday

●Mail: ecocheck@eprc.kyoto-u.ac.jp,  TEL: 075-753-5922



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