

 » ―エコ~るど京大、浅利研究室 北海道研修 報告書―

―エコ~るど京大、浅利研究室 北海道研修 報告書―


プラ 学び 研修報告

◆12/11~12/13 北海道研修全体概容


上田 知弥















Plastic Waste Management in Hokkaido at Tanaka Sekkai Kogyo Co., Ltd.



Isaac Omondi


(Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies (GSGES) M2)


Our study team visited Tanaka Sekkai Kogyo Co. Ltd in Asahikawa, one of the only two companies in Hokkaido prefecture engaged in plastic recycling. Recyclable plastic is derived from municipal solid waste collected from households in the prefecture. The recyclables are baled and sent for processing at the factory. The company recycles plastic depending on the quality of waste received into plastic pellets or refuse derived fuel (RDF). Pelletized polymers include polyethene (PE), polypropylene (PP) and polystyrene (PS). Generally, when recyclables are received at the factory, they unbaled by breaking the straps. The materials are then sorted, washed, dried and finally pelletized. Some recycling sub processes are manually run by specialized personnel while others fully automated by advanced equipment. Within this process, poor quality plastic is dropped and made into RDF. This service is offered to about 30 municipalities making sure their environment is clean. The study team comprised of Prof. Misuzu Asari and her laboratory, Ecole-de-Kyodai and private companies. Members appreciated this information exchange from the company.









Study trip to the Itomuka Plant of Nomura Kohsan Co., Ltd. In Asahigawa, Hokkaido



Qing XU (Suzie)

(Guest Research Associate, GSGES)


Mercury is used in a wide range of products and applications, such as fluorescent lamps, batteries, dental amalgam, scientific and medical instruments. All of these finally become wastes. Since mercury cannot be decomposed, it remains in the environment. To protect human health and the environment from the adverse effects of mercury, mercury waste should be managed in an environmentally sound manner pursuant to the Basel and Minamata conventions. But world-while, we still lack the capacity to achieve the goal.

The study team visited Itomuka Plant of Nomura Kohsan Co., Ltd – one and the only company in Japan that has specialized in matters pertaining to mercury waste, on 12th December 2019. The site was a mercury mine owned by Nomura Mining Co., Ltd. which used to be the biggest producer of mercury in the East Japan. Due to the sudden decrease of demand for mercury, Nomura Mining Co., Ltd. was forced to close down. In 1973, Nomura Kohsan took over the technology and site and established the present-day company.

The work of Nomura Kohsan includes the treatment of (1) waste consisting of mercury/mercury compounds, such as metal mercury; (2) waste containing mercury/mercury compounds, such as fluorescent lamps, batteries, measuring devices, etc.; and (3) waste contaminated with mercury/mercury compounds, such as sludge, catalyst, activated carbon.

Domestically, 13,000 tons of used dry-cell batteries, 9,000 tons of used fluorescent lamps and 6,000 tons of other mercury wastes are collected each year from all 47 Prefectures of Japan and treated at Itomuka Plan. Furthermore, the plant also supports the industrial sectors of Japan. For example, they are commissioned by non-ferrous metal refineries to treat the mercury-containing sludge. Here, they remove the mercury from the sludge and send back the mercury-free sludge which contains precious metals such as gold and silver.

Meanwhile, they are also importing and treating mercury waste such as fluorescent lamps, HID lamps, dry-cell batteries, button cell batteries, sludge, catalyst etc. from Asian countries, in accordance with the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal.

As for the treatment process, at Nomura Kohsan mercury-containing and mercury-contaminated waste are treated through a roasting process. The plant is equipped with two types of furnaces: the Herreshoff furnace (multiple-hearth furnace) and the rotary kiln. The use of each furnace depends on the concentration of mercury. Waste is heated at a temperature of around 600℃ to 800℃ in order to evaporate the mercury. The evaporated mercury would then flow into the exhaust gas channel and would be collected in the scrubber and cooling tower. In order to prevent the remaining mercury from discharging into the atmosphere, a mercury absorber is equipped at the final stage of the process.

Once the hazardous substances have been eliminated through the roasting process, the greater portion of the materials left after the roasting process is recycled. And the small portion of non-hazardous residue that cannot be recycled is stored in the on-site final landfill.

The study team comprised of Prof. Misuzu Asari and her laboratory, Ecole-de-Kyodai and private companies. Participants have visited the Mercury recycling facilities, Mercury stabilization and solidification equipment, and onsite final landfill. They are amazed not only by the advanced mercury waste treatment technology but also the treatment capacity of Nomura Kohsan, which can definitely contribute to the environmentally sound management of mercury in Japan and around the world.



The roasting process facility to treat mercury-containing and mercury-contaminated waste


Staff of Nomura Kohsan explaining their business


Participants are feeling the Mercury











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